Whenever You're Feeling Down, Read This.

Soon, all of this weight you are carrying will fall gently away. Soon, these chains won't be able to hold you anymore. Soon, your past will lose its grip on you and you'll be free. No matter what you are going through right now, know that it really will be okay. It might not seem like it, but I promise you that soon you will make it through these rough waters and come out so much stronger on the other side. Soon, my beautiful friend.

- Nikki Banas | Walk the Earth

Be happy on purpose. Look for the rainbow when it's raining. Find the hope even when its bleak. Choose forgiveness even when bitterness is easier. Choose love even when it feels impossible. Make it a habit to choose joy as much as you possibly can because life isn't meant to be lived in disappointment or frustration. It's not meant to be lived in hatred... It's meant to be lived laughing so hard your stomach hurts. It's meant to be filled with soft moments of love. It's meant to be filled tight hugs that last for minutes. Life is meant to be lived happy.

- Walk the Earth

Always, always believe that better things are up ahead. If you are going through hard times right now, know that things will get better. Things will change and turn in your favour. You will get the job. You will find new strength you didn't know you had. You will grow and rise out of these times. And if you are going through wonderful times right now, know that it will only keep getting better. Keep dreaming of growing and rising higher. You have new mountains in front of you to climb and bigger dreams to chase. No matter where you are right know, always, always know that the best is yet to come.

- Walk the Earth

Its okay to feel sad. Its okay to feel angry. It's okay to feel frustrated. Whatever you are feeling, it is okay. Sometimes we forget that we are only human, we go through ups and downs, twists and turns. life is unpredictable, fragile and constantly changing. There are bound to be unexpected surprises and bumps along the way. So when you are feeling sad, when you are feeling angry or frustrated, let yourself feel it completely. Let your river of emotion flow and feel its depth and be kind to yourself. You are only human.

- Walk the Earth

The first step of your journey might be scary, but it is also full of so much possibility and wonder. It is full of excitement at all that could happen and faith that whatever is meant to happen, will happen. It might be hard to take that first step- to put your pen to paper, to move to the new city, to lace up your shoes- but don't let that fear keep you from starting. Don't let the fear keep you from feeling the excitement and wonder at everything in front of you, because I promise that once you take that first step, you'll never look back.

- Walk the Earth

Your wounds will heal because that's what wounds are meant to do. Your cuts and scrapes may leave behind scars, reminding you of that fall or break, but they will heal and you will be stronger than you were before. It's the same for heartbreaks and disappointment and failure.. They might sting now, they might make you sick to your stomach, they might bring you to your knees right now, but soon you will be heal. And soon you will be stronger than you ever were before.

- Walk the Earth

You only need to focus on one little step forward. You don't need to conquer the entire mountain right now. You don't need to conquer the entire mountain right now. You don't need to have everything figured out today. The only possible way to climb a mountain is by climbing it one step at a time. Don't think about the peak, don't worry about what may come later. Instead, focus just on the one little step in front of you. The rest will come when its time. For now, its just one little step.

-Walk the Earth

Credit: Twitter

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